OptiFoil - for the closest Braun shave ever. Clean & Renew - at the touch of a button automatically cleans, charges and lubricates to keep the shaver feeling like new every day.(See instruction manual for proper handling and safety instructions) Quick 5 minute charge Washable Precision Trimmer UL listed Two-year limited warranty Made in Germany Tip for the perfect shave.
What Customer's say about Braun Series 5-565cc Shaver System :
About 5 years ago I upgraded from a Braun series 5 to a Braun series 7. The pulsonic microvibrations seemed like overkill at the time but I got used to them after about a week. Two weeks ago I needed to replace my series 7 and purchased this 565 and, boy do I miss the microvibrations now. This razor acts like its battery is dying when it is put under the load of my one-day-old whiskers. I have to move the shaver so slowly across my face or it feels like it is pulling the hair rather than shaving. I ended up with a very close shave which made me happy but at almost 3X the length of time as my series 7. If you've always had a series 5, you will probably be happy with this one. If you have had a series 7, I don't recommend downgrading to this.
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